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This perfectly reflective surface is obtained through a progressive mechanical grinding process that uses micro- abrasive materials with decreasing granularity. It is mainly recommended for wall coverings and for the creation of various types of furnishing elements.


Levigato Pearl
This exclusive finish gives the surface an extremely smooth feel, similar to natural marble. The surface is completely matt, but its ability to absorb light gives it a subtle reflective effect that makes it ideal for combining with different kinds of material. Imperceptible semi-circular marks give the surface a handcrafted effect that adds originality to each individual slab, setting them apart from serial productions.


SIZE: 1600x3200mm (63½”x 127½”)
Sides: ± 0,3% MAX (± 1,0 mm MAX)
Thickness: ± 5,0% MAX (± 0,5 mm MAX)
Straightness of sides: ± 0,3% MAX (± 0,8 mm MAX)
Rectangularity: ± 0,3% MAX (± 1,5 mm MAX)
Surface flatness: ± 0,4% MAX (± 1,8 mm MAX)
Water absorption: ≤ 0,5%
Flexion resistance: S ≥ 700 N (< 7,5 mm) S ≥ 1300 N (> 7,5 mm) R ≥ 35 N/mm2
Impact resistance: > 0,85
Abrasion resistance: ≤ 175 mm3
Resistance to thermal shocks: PASS ACCORDING EN ISO 10545-1
Frost resistance: PASS ACCORDING EN ISO 10545-1
Resistance to chemicals: UB MIN.
Resistance to stains: DECLARED VALUE
Lead and cadmium discharge: < THAN INSTRUMENT LIMIT

    We will be delighted to help you to create a unique and functional interior which meets all your requirements and desires. Please call us for more detailed information about services and prices. We are certain that we can make an interior which reflects your personality and style

    The information on the site is not a public offer, according to Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    Kazan, 420097
    Dostoevsky 57

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