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A cascading swirl of 23 hand-blown glass shades were chosen in a cool colour palette to blend with the owners existing decor, starting with Slate Grey and moving to Smoked Olive, Steel Blue, Teal, Yellow Ochre and finally Citron. These lights all beautifully merge together and create a statement piece full of colour and vibrancy


This chandelier can be commissioned to any size and number of drops with a choice of 22 colours and various flex and fitting finishes

    We will be delighted to help you to create a unique and functional interior which meets all your requirements and desires. Please call us for more detailed information about services and prices. We are certain that we can make an interior which reflects your personality and style

    The information on the site is not a public offer, according to Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    Kazan, 420097
    Dostoevsky 57

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